When is the best time to take your supplements?

In romance and comedy, timing is everything. With fitness and nutrition, there’s usually more wiggle room — any given time is usually a great time to do more cardio, do resistance training, or replace processed foods with whole ingredients.

When it comes to supplements and vitamins, paying attention to the timing of your supplements can help you get optimal results. Here’s what science says about the best time to take supplements.

When to take vitamins?

The ideal timing for vitamin supplements can vary depending on the vitamins you take. As always, it is important to speak with your doctor before starting to take any nutritional supplement.


It may be helpful to take a multivitamin with a meal so that the fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed more easily. Some people feel nauseous when taking certain vitamins or minerals on an empty stomach, so taking them with food may also help reduce that — plus making them part of your routine, like breakfast every morning, can help you stay consistent.

Zinc, magnesium, vitamin D

On the other hand, the best time to take zinc supplements, magnesium supplements, or vitamin D supplements may be at night, because these nutrients — whether alone or when combined with other ingredients — are linked to sleep quality, says David Sutter. Fitness Nutritionist and NASM Certified Personal Trainer in St. Petersburg, FL.*


Research suggests that the best time to take iron supplements is in the morning on an empty stomach with a drink rich in ascorbic acid, such as orange juice. These factors allow your body to do this Absorb more iron.

When should you take sports supplements?

Follow these guidelines to get the most from your performance supplements.

1. Protein

Chocolate Whey Recovery | When is the best time to drink a protein shake?

There is some flexibility when it comes to the timing of protein supplements, “but research suggests that consuming protein after exercise can help improve recovery and muscle growth,” says Trevor Thieme, CSCS.

Sipping a protein shake, for example Beachbody performance recovery After a hard workout, this will help provide your muscles with the extra protein they need to grow and repair.*

You can also drink the shake any time of the day if you need help reaching your daily protein goals. However, we recommend limiting your consumption to two drinks per day to avoid any unwanted side effects.

2. Pre-workout

How long should you take a pre-workout supplement before working out? Exercising outside the gym doors may not be the ideal solution, but it should not be taken for too long before a workout.

in case Activate Beachbody performanceDesigned to improve energy and performance, you’ll feel maximum benefits within 30 to 60 minutes after taking the supplement.*

3. Hydration drink

Beach Performance Hydrate Basin

While you should drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated, hydration supplements such as Beachbody Performance Moisturizer It is designed to help you replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.

The best time to hydrate is during or after exercise to help combat fatigue and aid in recovery. For longer workouts, you can take a can of Hydrate for every 30 minutes of exercise.

4. Greens powder

There’s never a bad time to eat whole fruits and vegetables, which should be an essential part of every meal. Likewise, if you take green supplements such as BODi Greens Power Boost To help fill in any nutritional gaps, any time of day is a good time.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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