Today, the answers of cross words in New York Time on January 28

Looking for Newest Small crossword answer? Click here to get hints from the mini -crossed words today, as well as our daily answers and hints at New York Times Wordle, threads, communications and communications: sports version puzzles.

Jrr Tolkien fans, Now the small cross words It has the slightest idea for you today-check-on 1-across. One of my favorite stories that I wrote at all includes the pronunciation of the name Tolkin. Do you need more help in cross -crossed words today? Read. And if you can use some hints and directions for a daily solution, check the tips of cross -crossed words.

The crossfitting word is just one of many games in the Times Games. If you are looking for today’s answers, communications and communications: Edition SPORTS Edition and Strands, you can visit the CNET NYT puzzle page.

Read more: Tips and tricks to solve cross words in the New York Times

Let’s get the evidence and answers of the mini -crossed words.

I have completed NYT-MINI-CrossWord-Puzzle-For-Jan-28-2025.png

The incomplete nyt mini crossword puzzle on January 28, 2025.

NYT/Screen snapshot by cnet

Mini through clues and answers

1A Guide: A magic supplement for Gandalf The Gray
Answer: Employees

Idea 6 A: The element is often cut with a closing piece of the size of the pocket
Answer: cigars

7A Guide: Fill in dread
Answer: Amaze

8 a idea: flood plug
Answer: dam

9A evidence: Repeating the word in “any ___ is good ___”
Answer: Click

Mini below clues and answers

1D Guide: The top of the head
Answer: scalp

2D evidence: The track is an official meeting
Answer: temporary

3D guide: a plant used to make a tickela
Answer: Agaf

4D Guide: Flusters
Answer: honor

5D evidence: It is saved from prison in the arrest of science, say
Answer: Hymour

How to play more mini -crossed words

the New York Times Games Section It offers a large number of online games, but some are just free for everyone to play. You can run the cross -mini -day words the day for free, but you will need to subscribe to the Times games section to play old puzzles from the archive.

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