A Florida Court sentenced Umm Rafat a lawsuit against the local educational zone, which she claimed prevented from volunteering in her son’s school after officials learned that she had only an account.
In 2023, Victoria Tritty filed a lawsuit against OCPS schools for a million dollars after the province told her two years ago that she was no longer able to volunteer at Sand Lake Elementary School in Orlando, where her children were, then 5 and 10 years old, students.
As the people previously mentioned, the ban came after one of the parents sent an unidentified email to the manager about the TRIE account on the adult site, along with two NSFW images for a mother for two children.
“It has reached many parents at Sand Lake Elementary that one of the mothers in the room that spends time in school is (such) publishing pornography through various sources on the Internet,” I read the email, WFTV I mentioned. “This woman is constantly about our children and her general features well known. This is not the content or the topic that our children need to be exposed.”
Trick images can only be accessed with a paid subscription.
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The director of the e -mail shared with its president, including the photos, as it claimed TICE, on the pretext that this violated her right to privacy.
She also filed a lawsuit against the province, claiming that it violated its right to freedom of expression, and “sexual harassment” claimed to share photos from her account with the media.
“She felt” insulting, ” Wish. Her lawyer, Mark Najm, claimed at a press conference in 2023 that what she does “in our time is not illegal,” but she was subjected to “Ethics Police.”
Nevertheless, on January 29, a judge in Florida was sentenced to her, saying that Trice has no “right” to volunteer in school, according to the court documents that people reviewed.
The judge wrote in his opinion, “The policy of the volunteer program does not include any language that gives any right or benefit from the individual to participate in the program, to stay in the program, or to resume the decision to remove.”
As for the Tribe claim that the province violated its privacy by sharing the photos, the judge said that the photos are a general record and they were shared among officials who are trying to solve a problem in the boycott that caught their attention, according to the documents.
The judge said that the boycott was not committed to the Cyber ​​cooperation. He said that the boycott should send pictures to the media to meet the requests of public records.
Nejame and OCPs did not immediately respond to people’s request to comment.