Sony’s PlayStation Network has a major world break

She left a large interruption of the PlayStation Sony (PSN) on Saturday tens of thousands of players who are unable to access online services, stores and multimedia applications.

“We realize that some users may face problems with PSN,” PlayStation said on social media platforms, which confirms the confirmation complaints of users all over the world.

Communication problems reports are rapidly spread via social media, with users frustrated with error messages and login failure.

One of Ramos users based in London wrote X.

According to the electric power tracking site, users began reporting problems with PSN late Friday.

Soon after, Sony responded to user concerns, confirming the problems without providing details about the possible cause of interruption.

Sony has confirmed on Sony problems in its Network PlayStation services. “Some services face problems,” said the Playstation Support page, including the management of accounts, social services and social services, as well as PlayStation Video, PlayStation Store and PlayStation Direct.

Last October, the PlayStation network decreased for several hours.

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