Nintendo has announced today that it ends the famous Nintendo Gold Points Bonuses, which provided users virtual currency to buy elements on ESHP. Starting on March 24, any ESHP purchases will not win golden points, be it digital, material or via ESHOP cards. The remaining gold points will remain valid for twelve months after winning, which means that it is likely to be good next year.
according to Nintendo News Announcement On this topic, users will be able to receive golden points until March 24 based on the current rules in force for the program. They also added that the material games that were released before March 24 will remain eligible to get points even if they were registered after that date. Regarding ESHOP cards that still carry a promise of gold points, Nintendo says: “You can still buy these cards and recover them for their full value, but you will not gain golden points when using the cards for purchases.”
The company did not provide a reason to stop the program, instead you thank users for participating in it. The decision is likely to be due to the next launch of the company’s new control unit, The Switch 2, which is scheduled to come out later this year. The company also announced that Switch’s game vouchers will not be valid for Switch 2 addresses. If gold points will be replaced by a unique new bonus program to switch 2, it remains to see.