Be off to Phoenix! – Bionicoldguy

I am excited to go to Phoenix tomorrow to visit my brother and family. It is a wonderful time of the year to be there, and I will miss some rainy days at this end. I will rent a bike for a few days and try the phoenix channel. I rode it on the northern end of the city for a while, but this will be the first time that the paths were tried at the southern end where Bell lives. We are also planning to go to Flagstaff for a trip for one day, a nice mountain city that I heard a lot but I have not seen it about two and a half hours away. We will also check the Observatory of Loile while we are there. It should be a fun journey! I will take the laptop with me, so I will try to publish while I am there.

FLAGSTAF in 2019, as it appears from Elden Mountain (

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