India-United States to start discussions on the proposed commercial deal soon

India is still optimistic about the possibilities of the planned bilateral trade agreement with the United States and hopes to increase trade between the two countries, which is expected to sit together and start working on in the coming weeks.

“We need to continue to agree soon, given the ambitious schedule to negotiate the first segment by the fall of 2025. We will need some time to determine the features of the commercial deal that the two sides will have to sit together and discuss, and an additional secretary in the Ministry of Commerce Rajish Agrawal said, indicating that it is necessary Do it in the eight months to the next nine

Trade Minister Sunil Bartawal said that the Prime Minister’s visit helped to strengthen trade relations between the two countries and died on a bilateral trade agreement, which is a very important goal.

As part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States to meet with US President Donald Trump, the two countries appeared with a joint statement on February 13, in which leaders are determined to deepen the commercial relationship of the United States to enhance growth that guarantees fairness, national security and job creation.

تحقيقًا لهذه الغاية ، حدد القادة هدفًا جديدًا جريئًا للتجارة الثنائية- “Mission 500”- بهدف أكثر من إجمالي التجارة الثنائية المزدوجة إلى 500 مليار دولار بحلول عام 2030. لقد أعلنوا أيضًا عن خطط للتفاوض على الشريحة الأولى من شريحة واحدة مفيدة بشكل متبادل ومتعدد- متعددة . Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) by the fall of 2025.

The sources said that negotiations on the free trade agreement are likely to start soon once the new American trade representative is appointed. The bilateral trade agreement is seen as a more just and fair agreement than previous plans for a small trade agreement with the United States under the first Trump administration.

Meanwhile, India is also scheduled to restart the negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement in India and the United States later this month. The Minister of Trade of the United Kingdom is scheduled to visit India on February 24, and the Minister of Trade and Industry will meet Joach Joyal on February 25. “We will evaluate the dialogue so far and take it forward.”

It is also expected that the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union will advance this month with the European Union Trade Commissioner to meet Goyal on February 28. The tenth round of the Free Trade Convention negotiations is scheduled to be held from March 10 to 14 in Brussels.

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