The prices of American eggs rise as bird flu is torn

Egg prices in the United States are rising to record highlands, as farmers are forced to slaughter millions of chickens in an attempt to stop the spread of bird flu, which erupted through poultry sheds in the country in recent months.

Dozens of eggs reached more than $ 8 in wholesale sales markets this week, more than twice a year ago a year ago and the highest level registered ever, according to Expana, the commodity price information service. Groceries including Walmart and Kroger began to legalize purchases in some cases. The Waffle House series, an essential element in the south and West American, has filmed an additional cost of 50 cents for the egg on its dishes.

Fresh egg supplies decrease as millions of chicken farmers have controlled a bird influenza variable that first appeared in an American commercial herd three years ago.

Like gasoline prices, eggs are visible, albeit volatile, from inflation for consumers. The consumer price index increased by 3 percent on an annual basis in January, with an egg index increased by more than 50 percent, according to the Labor Statistics Office on Wednesday. The resident in the United States will eat about 270 eggs this year, and the expectations of the US Department of Agriculture.

The prices of eggs also have a political resonance and it was an attack line last year for the White House. Then US Vice President Jenny Verse stood in September in front of the case of a supermarket egg to criticize the economic policies of his predecessor Kamala Harris, when the American city is middle The price of a large -class egg was $ 3.82, according to the work statistics office. The price was $ 4.95 in January.

Democrats have now seized this issue. “We went to get some eggs, and we can see the prices of these eggs have now jumped to about $ 8. Ted Liu, a democratic representative from California, said this week for a modern trip to the grocery store:

A list at Waffle House is a label. Customers recommend an increase in the price of 50 percent for each egg
Wafffle House, a famous American breakfast series, has implemented an additional cost of 50 percent for each egg © AFP/Getty Images

The best egg retail traders are Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Albertsons and Aldi, according to Prumerrator. The market research company said the majority -55 percent-consumers noticed a shortage or local retailers in eggs.

Chains including Kroger, Aldi and Walmart have imposed restrictions on purchases, in certain locations or certain packages.

“Although the supply is very narrow, we are working with suppliers to try to help meet customer demand, while seeking to maintain prices as low as possible,” said Wall Mart, who limits the purchase of 60 vehicles for each visit.

Cal-Maine Foods, the largest producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs, said the demand exceeded the offer as a total quarterly profit of $ 356 million, an increase of four times over a year.

Sherman Miller, CEO, said last month: “Without a doubt, we recently faced major challenges within our company and the entire egg industry because of its constant outbreak” in bird flu.

Karen Resbo, editor at Expana, said that farmers have lost about 46 million chickens in the past four months, or 15 percent of a national herd of 304 million. She said: “While bird flu came and went in the waves over the past few years, this current fascism is the most intense so far, with no signs of slowdown.”

The virus is usually spread from the farm to the farm by wild birds. Workers who come into contact with their waste can carry them in the chicken fold on their shoes.

Once one case is discovered, a full herd must be executed.

“The virus is very dead,” Lorenzone said, but the industry tries to “get there very quickly and kill animals before the virus has an opportunity to spread to other facilities.”

A woman sells eggs at Union Square Greenmarket in New York City on February 10, 2025
A woman sells eggs at Union Square Greenmarket in New York on February 10, 2025 © Shannon Stableton/Reuters

He said that the prices of eggs have risen not only because the area of ​​logical chickens has decreased, but because biological measures are enhanced, such as disposable covers, socks, hair charging, and reinforced disinfection protocols were driving operating costs on farms.

Also, the market demand for eggs free of cage was increasing, as each barn contains fewer animals.

The US Department of Agriculture raised this week Climate As for the average price of the eggs, a degree A to $ 4.44 for dozens for 2025, it rose by more than half of its drop in January. American chicken is expected to lay 8.96 billion eggs this year, which cuts out its outlook last month.

Amy Smith, Vice President of Advanced Economic Solutions, a food and agricultural consultant company, said. Last month, severe winter storms in the southeast increased families, while consumers who take the famous GLP-1 weight loss to the conversion of their diets towards proteins.

Smith said in Expana’s Rispoli that in some cases supermarkets have kept the price of eggs on retail sale less than the wholesale price as a loss pioneer, to attract customers to stores.

“Although some price increases have passed, they were not important enough to reduce the consumer’s interest,” said Reesboli.

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